Monday 23 April 2012

why do we keep crying over the same reason?

One day a priest is preaching to his congregation about sorrow. He use a comical story as an analogy of his preach. The congregation burst into laughter once the priest said the catch line of the jokes. The priest was really happy. Then he continues his preach by repeating the same story, and at the end of the story, some of the congregation are confused and some of them are still laughing for the same jokes. Again, the priest keep repeating the same jokes, he repeated it for about eight times, until the congregation stop laughing and finds out that the joke wasn't funny anymore.

Then the priest said, "My preach was not about the jokes, its about how people can be stuck in deep sorrow over the same reason. I keep repeating the same jokes until all of you find it that its not funny anymore, and you all stop laughing. BUT, I always wonder, why do people keep crying over and over for the same reason? Whatever the reason is, you have to face it, its part of your 'journey'."

What has been done, is done. Never regret anything you do, its better to regret because you did it, rather than to regret because you didn't do it. Don't live in the past. Move forward.

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