Thursday 8 October 2009

Thu,8 Oct 2009

Tema blog hari ini: CURHAT, seperti diary aja ya..hehehehehhee

Kemarin baru saja saya melakukan suatu kesalahan terhadap pacar saya, perbuatan yang hingga kini masih saya sesali. Tetapi beruntungnya diri saya karena pacar saya masih mau memaafkan saya, I'm really sorry dear.....

Setelah hampir lebih dari 3,5 ahun kami berpacaran, baru memasuki tahun-tahun terakhir saya melakukan refleksi. Ternyata kalao dipikir-pikir begitu banyak keegoisan dan kesalahan yang saya perbuat, dan Puji Tuhan pacar saya masih tetap mau menerima saya apa adanya dengan segala sifat saya yang negatif tersebut. Terima kasih Tuhan atas anugerah yang kau berikan kepadaku melalui dirinya, ajarilah aku untuk semakin menghargai dirinya.Amen.

I think I must be dreaming
that you are here with me
after all that I did to you
and you still accept me the way I am

when the eagles forget how to flies
and it's twenty belows on July
and when violets turns red
and roses turn blue
I'll be still in love with you

I live to be around you
You tae my breathe away
can't help but talk about you
every night and day

and when eagles forget how to flies
and it's twenty belows in July
and when violets turns red
and roses turn blue
I'll be still in love with you

all I need is you
need you just to hold me, console me
over and over, "I love you"

when the eagles forget how to flies
and it's twenty belows in July
and when violets turns red
and roses turns blue
I'll be still in love with you
still in love with you

Still in love* - Brian McKnight

*(some of the words have been changed due to the real condition)

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